
[ma?nd]     [ma?nd]    
  • n. 头脑;精神;心;想法;意见;心思;注意力;有才智的人;记忆;心情;理智;[宗]追思弥撒;上帝
  • v. 留心;注意;专心于;介意;照顾
minder minded minded minding minds



n. (名词)
  1. 意向
  2. 头脑,理智
  3. 记忆力,记忆
  4. 精神
  5. 智力,智慧
  6. 意见,想法,主意
  7. 心,心力
  8. 注意力
  9. 有才智的人
  10. 愿望,目的
  11. 意志,决心
v. (动词)
  1. 留心,注意,当心,留意,留神
  2. 专心于,从事
  3. 照应,照料,关心,看管,照顾,照管
  4. 介意,在乎
  5. 反对
  6. 记住,记着,记住要,想起
  7. 牵挂,挂在心上,担心
  8. 对(某事)焦虑,对(某事)烦恼
  9. 烦恼,苦恼
  10. 听从,服从,听话


n. (名词)
  1. [C][U]头脑,精神,理智 the human spirit and power of reason as opposed to the body, the material word, etc.; the ability to think and reason, intellect; a person considered for their ability to think well
  2. [U]智力 intelligence; intellect
  3. [C][U]注意力,心思 attention
  4. [U]记忆(力) memory
  5. [C][U]意向,想法 a person's way of thinking of feeling; thoughts; an intention
v. (动词)
  1. vt. & vi. 留心; 注意 be careful of; pay close attention to
  2. vt. & vi. 照顾,照管 take care or charge of; look after
  3. vt. & vi. 介意; 在乎; 反对 (often used with would, in requests, or in negative sentences) have a reason against or be opposed to (a particular thing); be troubled by or dislike
  4. vt. & vi. 服从,听从 obey; submit
  5. vt. 专心于 concentrate one's attention; be absorbed


  1. that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason;

    "his mind wandered"
    "I couldn't get his words out of my head"

  2. recall or remembrance;

    "it came to mind"

  3. an opinion formed by judging something;

    "he was reluctant to make his judgment known"
    "she changed her mind"

  4. an important intellectual;

    "the great minds of the 17th century"

  5. attention;

    "don't pay him any mind"

  6. your intention; what you intend to do;

    "he had in mind to see his old teacher"
    "the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces"

  7. knowledge and intellectual ability;

    "he reads to improve his mind"
    "he has a keen intellect"

  1. be offended or bothered by; take offense with, be bothered by;

    "I don't mind your behavior"

  2. be concerned with or about something or somebody

  3. be in charge of or deal with;

    "She takes care of all the necessary arrangements"

  4. pay close attention to; give heed to;

    "Heed the advice of the old men"

  5. be on one's guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to;

    "Beware of telephone salesmen"

  6. keep in mind



用作名词 (n.)
  1. He is ninety years old,but his mind is sharp.
  2. Her death had an unbalancing effect on Joe's mind.
  3. I tried to fix the date in my mind.
  4. Despite what she says, I won't change my mind.
  5. He changed his mind when he heard all the facts.
  6. He focused his mind on his new plan.
  7. Try and focus your mind on your lessons.
  8. Noise outside distracted her mind from her studies.
    门外的噪音使她心神不宁, 无法集中注意力学习。
  9. He is one of the greatest minds of the age.
  10. You should keep in mind what I have said.
  11. I can't think where I've left my umbrella; my mind's a complete blank!
  12. She was in a cheerful frame of mind.
  13. He was in a bad frame of mind this morning.
  14. He unbent his mind by reading detective stories.
  15. I lose my mind just standing next to her.
  16. He was not the only prisoner to lose his mind.
用作动词 (v.)
  1. Mind the dog! It may be fierce.
    留神那条狗! 可能很凶。
  2. Only, mind you, good mowing requires some little skill.
  3. Mind your own business!
  4. Would you mind if I smoke here?
  5. I don't mind the children's comings and goings.
  6. My mother is minding the shop.


用作名词 (n.)
be in twenty minds
    犹豫不决地 hesitatingly
be of sb's mind
    同意,意见相同 agree to
bear in mind
    记住,考虑 remember to consider, take account of
    bear sth in mind

    I'll bear your advice in my mind.


    This should always be borne in mind.


    Yet there is an other point to be borne in mind.


    bear in mind that-clause

    He didn't do the job very well, but you must bear in mind that he was ill at the time.


    As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea.


    Please bear in mind that they are our enemy.


    He has born in mind that you hurt him.


    You must bear in mind that some of those plants are poisonous.


bring to mind
    想起 remember
    bring sth to mind

    I can't seem to bring to mind the name of the place where we last met.


    I know it happened, but I can't bring it to mind.


call to mind
    (使)记起,(使)想起 (cause to) remember
    call sth to mind

    Sorry,I just can't call his name to mind at the moment.


    Now you mention it,I call the fact to mind.


change one's mind
    改变了主意 change the idea
come across one's mind
    忽然想到 think sth in heart suddenly
cross one's mind
    突然有个想法 come across an idea in heart suddenly
dismiss from one's mind
    试图忘记某事或某人 try to forget sth/sb
    dismiss sb/sth from one's mind

    She tried to dismiss him from her mind.


    The doctor urged the patient to dismiss all worries from her mind and take a good rest.


erase from sb's mind
    从(记忆等)中忘掉,抹掉… remove sth, usually bad from one's thoughts
    erase sth from sb's mind

    The blow on his head erased the details of the accident from his mind.


    Even the lapse of many years will never erase the memory of that experience from my mind.


    Try to erase all thoughts from your mind, so that you will feel at peace.


    Nothing can erase the memory of that terrible day from her mind.


escape sb's mind
    被忘记 be forgotten
float into〔through〕 one's mind
    慢慢产生(想法) pass lazily into or through one's mind
have a mind of one's own
    有自己的主见 have one's own thoughts
in (one's) mind
    在心里 in heart
keep in mind
    记住 bear in mind
    keep sth in mind

    I will keep your advice in mind.


    Keep the people in mind and place your hopes on them.


make up one's mind
    决定,下决心 decide; determine
open one's mind
    对…吐露心意〔真情〕 make known one's ideas〔feelings〕
out of (one's) mind
    精神不正常 be mad
pay mind to
    注意 give one's attention to; be attentive to
peace of mind
    心灵的平静 don't want some terrible sth in heart
poison sb's mind(s)
    影响…的思想 influence sb's point of view
pollute sb's minds
    腐蚀…的心灵 affect one's formal thoughts
scare out of mind
    吓得魂不附体 make sb greatly afraid, especially through shock
    scare sb out of one's mind

    You scared me out of my mind, coming up behind me suddenly like that.


    He was scared out of his mind, giving his first public performance.


search one's mind
    绞尽脑汁 think sth very hard
spill one's mind
    说出心里话 say sth that he or she wants to speak
spring up in sb's mind
    产生了疑团 begin not to believe
stamp upon the minds of
    铭刻在心 engrave in sb's heart
    stamp sth upon the minds of sb

    His words are still stamped upon the minds of people.


用作动词 (v.)
never mind
    没关系 have no connections or relations
    never mind

    After reading a book, it is only natural that you don't understand it all. Never mind. Put it aside and start another one.


    “Sorry to have kept you waiting.”“Never mind.”


    “Granny, quickly!”“Never mind, my boy, it won't take long.”


    Never mind. Please don't go for it. I shan't want it.


    Never mind, next time I'm sure you can do better.


    Never mind! I can do this by myself.


    I'm sorry I've spilt some tea on the table-cloth. —Never mind, it will wash out.

    对不起,我把茶洒在桌布上了。 —— 没关系,洗得掉的。

    never mind sb/sth

    But never mind that; it doesn't matter.

    可别介意; 没有关系的。

    Never mind him, he is not serious.


    never mind wh-clause

    Never mind who told me, that's of no importance.


    Never mind what others said; we want your opinion.


    Never mind what the price is; if it is what we need, we'll buy it.


mind one's P's and Q's
    言行谨慎; 仔细 pay close attention to; be polite or careful in one's behaviour
mind you
    听着,你要知道,请注意take this fact into account


用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 介词+~
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+副词


  • Hard to hold the difference in mind.

    出自: Austin Clarke
  • Poets must flick in and out of mind As if we had no other kind Of knowing.

    出自:Times Literary Supplement
  • Out of sight, out of mind.

  • There's not a bonie bird that sings, But minds me o' my Jean.

    出自: R. Burns
  • They mind us of the time When we made bricks in Egypt.

    出自: Tennyson
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