
[?p'set]     [?p'set]    
  • adj. 心烦的;苦恼的;不安的;不适的
  • v. 推翻;翻倒;颠覆;打乱;使心烦
  • n. 混乱;推翻
upsettingly upsetter upset upset upsetting upsets



adj. (形容词)
  1. 混乱的
  2. 不高兴的,沮丧的,闷闷不乐的,难过的
  3. 心烦的,苦恼的,心绪烦乱的
  4. 翻倒的,翻覆的
  5. 搅乱的
  6. 不适的
  7. 被推翻了的,被挫败的
  8. 固定的,一定的
v. (动词)
  1. 颠覆,推翻,(使)倾覆
  2. 使(肠胃)不适,使不舒服
  3. 打翻,弄翻,翻倒,弄倒
  4. 搅乱,扰乱,打乱
  5. 意外地击败(被认为强悍的对手),击败
  6. 打破(计划)
  7. 使狼狈
  8. 【机】缩锻,顿锻,顿粗,压缩(车轮内径), 镦粗
  9. 使心烦,使烦乱,使烦恼,使苦恼
  10. 使生气
n. (名词)
  1. 翻倒,倾覆,颠覆
  2. 混乱,搅乱
  3. 意外的击败,意外的失败
  4. 心烦意乱,心乱,烦乱
  5. 不舒服
  6. <口>吵架
  7. 不和
  8. 【机】缩锻
  9. 缩锻过的金属棒的粗大部分
  10. 缩锻用陷型模
  11. 麻烦,困扰


v. (动词)
  1. vt. & vi. 打翻,弄翻 tip over; overturn
  2. vt. 打乱,搅乱 put sth out of its settled state or order, causing confusion
  3. vt. 使不安,使生气 cause to worry, be sad, be angry, etc.
adj. (形容词)
  1. [P] 心烦的 feeling unhappy
  2. 不舒服的 slightly ill


  1. an unhappy and worried mental state;

    "there was too much anger and disturbance"
    "she didn't realize the upset she caused me"

  2. the act of disturbing the mind or body;

    "his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset"
    "she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living"

  3. a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning;

    "the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder"
    "everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time"

  4. a tool used to thicken or spread metal (the end of a bar or a rivet etc.) by forging or hammering or swaging

  5. the act of upsetting something;

    "he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed"

  6. an improbable and unexpected victory;

    "the biggest upset since David beat Goliath"

  1. afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief;

    "too upset to say anything"
    "spent many disquieted moments"
    "distressed about her son's leaving home"
    "lapsed into disturbed sleep"
    "worried parents"
    "a worried frown"
    "one last worried check of the sleeping children"

  2. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion;

    "troops fleeing in broken ranks"
    "a confused mass of papers on the desk"
    "the small disordered room"
    "with everything so upset"

  3. used of an unexpected defeat of a team favored to win;

    "the Bills' upset victory over the Houston Oilers"

  4. mildly physically distressed;

    "an upset stomach"

  5. having been turned so that the bottom is no longer the bottom;

    "an overturned car"
    "the upset pitcher of milk"
    "sat on an upturned bucket"

  1. disturb the balance or stability of;

    "The hostile talks upset the peaceful relations between the two countries"

  2. cause to lose one's composure

  3. move deeply;

    "This book upset me"
    "A troubling thought"

  4. cause to overturn from an upright or normal position;

    "The cat knocked over the flower vase"
    "the clumsy customer turned over the vase"
    "he tumped over his beer"

  5. form metals with a swage

  6. defeat suddenly and unexpectedly;

    "The foreign team upset the local team"



用作形容词 (adj.)
  1. I'm always upset when I don't get any mail.
  2. There is no reason to get so upset.
  3. Try not to get too upset about it.
  4. He was very upset that you didn't reply to his letters.
  5. I'm suffering from an upset stomach.
用作动词 (v.)
  1. The generals plotted to upset the government.
  2. He upset a bottle of ink.
  3. A flurry of wind upset the small boat.
  4. The foreign team upset the local team.
  5. In fact, it's inorganic chemistry and it has upset the aquatics world.
  6. The whole plan was upset owing to his absence.
  7. The news completely upset them.
用作名词 (n.)
  1. Last-minute changes caused a great deal of upset.
  2. The generals plotted to upset the government.
  3. Conflict in North Korea or the toppling of Kim Jong Il's government there could upset both of those goals, Chinese analysts say.


用作动词 (v.)
upset at〔about,over〕 (v.+prep.)
    为…而难过/生气 be sad or angry for sth
    upset sb at〔about,over〕 sth/v-ing

    She was upset with me about my expense.


    He was horribly upset over her illness.


    She is really upset over not finding a job.


    He was upset at not being welcomed.



用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+副词
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词 副词+~ ~+介词


  • When an upset was..inevitable, the horses slackened their pace.

    出自: B. Hall
  • The Major..was afraid of the..consequences of an upset of the canoe.

    出自: C. B. Mansfield
  • Big parties make me nervous. All day my stomach is upset thinking about it.

    出自: H. Robbins
  • When we split up, I was very upset.

  • If the horses had not run so fast we should not have upset.

    出自: T. Knight
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